Disclaimer: This blog post is not for the sole purpose of boosting your ego nor it is a way of flaunting my amusing writing skills. Consider it as a gift. I only write about special people you know? I hope you like it. :)
He was the first guy who had the guts to ask me out...not for a date but for a Philippine History Quiz Bee. We won 7th place in that competition but from then on, he had been on the top spot of the list My Best Boy Buds in School.
We're batch mates. We were both transferees from other UP units. We both love Geography and the people we meet because of the discipline. It was the basic similarities that drew us together. We both love reading and writing and talking a lot. We especially love Harry Potter and Ginny, Ron and Hermione.
I almost had a crush on him before. Okay, I admit, I really had a crush on him. Who would not? He is a nice, good-looking, sensible guy. Always the gentleman, always the outspoken one - that's him. There was even a time when I can't look at him straight in the eyes. Fortunately, I got over him, fast. Our friendship became too important to risk (because tell me, how can you be friends with someone you can't even bear to look at because of shyness?)Don't get me wrong though, we have been friends long enough for me to realize that he is admirable in a lot of ways. ^_~
It will be a good news for his admirers to know that he's still single. I called him Mr. Hopeless Romantic once. He disagreed. I still prefer calling him that than telling him he's torpe. Imagine not having a single girlfriend in his 19 years of existence? (Now it's already 20.) He has his own excuses that we, his girl-friends care to understand. Truth be told, I, the exceptionally possessive girl-friend, really get what he means...until we made a deal: his Hermione in exchange of my Harry. *evil laughter*
Happy, happy, happy birthday! I wish you all the happiness and blessings in this world because you deserve it. May God bless you and your family always.
You're gowing up too fast. Work on our deal, okaaay?
I'm finally letting go. *sobs* hahahaha. ♥