Monday, March 12, 2012

Sibling Love

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

It has been exactly three months since my Ate died. It was also a Monday when it happened and for some time, I feared Mondays. I'm just grateful that I was at home that time. Nevertheless, things had been really painful.

I have three other siblings left. And I'm just glad we're sticking with each other. Unknowingly, we're easing each other's pain. Time and again, I'm thankful.

"A sister - a special kind of double."

With the Goddess and the Little Prince.

At the end of the day, I'm glad I have them. Needless to say, our Ate is dutifully and happily watching over us from above. :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear your loss but I commend you for being strong and for being able to see the brighter side of life.

    God bless you and your family.

    : )
