Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One Year

Photo editing done by Ramyelle Athena M. Ang

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,  Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

Exactly a year ago, I lost my Ate to cancer - tumor recurrence made her lungs collapse. I was with her during those last moments of her life. I never thought seeing a thestral would be that painful. It was a nightmare that still haunts me at times.

It was one long year. 

When Death hits too close to home, you would think twice about Life. In my case, I doubted whether Life is something that I should still enjoy. I doubted whether it was possible for Tears to stop falling. I felt betrayed and hopeless so much that Grief became a best friend. Pain just had that terrible power to make things seem surreal. 

It was a long year and a lot happened. 

Time helped heal the wounds, in fact, he's still working right now. Faith entered the picture, brought Grace and Hope with her - they make a powerful trio. Love kept our family together and made our days brighter. We still have Grief with us but we also manage with Smile and Laughter around. Happiness visits and stays a bit longer from time to time. 

I never thought I would be able to reach this day.
I never thought I would be able to look back to that awful day. 

But here I am...

  • blessed with a family who's more strongly-knit than before.
  • surrounded with friends and loved ones who truly care.
  • thankful for every good and bad thing that happened.
  • learning from every experience I'm having. 
  • endowed with maturity and growth I never thought I would possess.
  • having faith that whatever happens next year, I have nothing to worry because I'll still have my Ate's love.  :D

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