Taken from: http://www.webmastergrade.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Mind-Refreshing-Sunrise.jpg |
Friday, December 21, 2012
End of the World
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Just Grateful
I'm thankful for a lot of blessings despite the hardships and difficulties, despite the pain and sorrow that the previous year brought. I'll let bygones be bygones and leave the past as it is. I won't forget though, I won't forget everything that made the past year rewarding on its own.
I'd like to believe that I've grown and matured since then. I've learned a lot and I'm still willing to learn more. I'd still make mistakes and mess up but at least I'd be more responsible for all the decisions I'll make. I'd fall in love again then perhaps get hurt for a few more times but I won't give up on love, not now, not ever.
In the past year, I lost and gained - lost loved ones, earned new friends; lost some battles, gained new perspectives; lost a bit of myself, gained more of others. Changes, they happen. I have to deal with them or end up losing more than I could bear to lose.
As I write this, I'm at home, surrounded by my family. With them and with every single person who truly loves and cares for me, I'd be more than willing to spend the next twenty or more years of my life. :)
For Someone Special
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
One Year
Photo editing done by Ramyelle Athena M. Ang |
Exactly a year ago, I lost my Ate to cancer - tumor recurrence made her lungs collapse. I was with her during those last moments of her life. I never thought seeing a thestral would be that painful. It was a nightmare that still haunts me at times.
It was one long year.
When Death hits too close to home, you would think twice about Life. In my case, I doubted whether Life is something that I should still enjoy. I doubted whether it was possible for Tears to stop falling. I felt betrayed and hopeless so much that Grief became a best friend. Pain just had that terrible power to make things seem surreal.
It was a long year and a lot happened.
Time helped heal the wounds, in fact, he's still working right now. Faith entered the picture, brought Grace and Hope with her - they make a powerful trio. Love kept our family together and made our days brighter. We still have Grief with us but we also manage with Smile and Laughter around. Happiness visits and stays a bit longer from time to time.
I never thought I would be able to reach this day.
I never thought I would be able to look back to that awful day.
But here I am...
- blessed with a family who's more strongly-knit than before.
- surrounded with friends and loved ones who truly care.
- thankful for every good and bad thing that happened.
- learning from every experience I'm having.
- endowed with maturity and growth I never thought I would possess.
- having faith that whatever happens next year, I have nothing to worry because I'll still have my Ate's love. :D
Monday, December 3, 2012
Silly, you can be at times,
Happy-go-lucky, more than once in a while.
You turn heads as you walk,
Refuse to be charmed with just a small talk.
I envy you for being strong,
Lost I am, without you to hold on.
Lots of things I fail to let you know --
Except this, that I love you so!
Here are a few more things that I hope would make this day extra special:
Happy 19th Birthday!
Friday, November 30, 2012
It makes me feel weak and vulnerable.
Surprises scare me.
No matter how pleasant it is, its still catches me off guard.
But I guess,
There are just some things you won't be able to prepare for,
Some people you will meet out of nowhere,
Some circumstances you'll never be able to control.
Then, all you have to do is to
Handle things with grace,
Face people with confidence,
Enjoy the most unbearable situation.
I know I can make peace with the unknown. :)
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note to self |
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Paradigm Shift*
It was a week of adjustment. This is my last (YES!) semester as an undergraduate student. As a future teacher, I am required to undergo a Student Teaching program. I'll be handling a section of Grade 8 students at the UP Integrated School. It was a week of adjusting to going to school as early as 7AM. It was hard but I managed to get in the campus 10 minutes before the required time. It was a week of adjusting to wearing anything but T-shirt, jeans and slippers or the typical UP get-up. Instead, I had to dress-up so as to assert my identity as a teacher.
It was overwhelming, the new set-up. I was torn between being thankful and complaining. This is something I have been waiting for yet I find myself unprepared. Blame it on the lack of confidence. Blame it on pessimism. But it really bothered me to the point that I asked myself, "When will you be ready?!"
I don't know. All I know is that this semester is something I have to face, something I have to handle with grace, OR ELSE...***
Last week, I found comfort in attending a class. It's an intermediate Chinese class. I took the elementary course last semester. Laoshi told me it's okay to "sit-in" and my former classmates were more than thrilled (I guess, hahaha) to see me. It was a week of review and fortunately, I remembered most of the things that Laoshi discussed. It was just like the old times. I asked a lot of questions and Laoshi tried to answer everything (more often than not, she's really good at explaining things). I teased and "bullied" my classmates then laughed with them as if there's no tomorrow. I even had the chance to speak in Mandarin again - to talk with two "classmates" in front of everyone else. I got so nervous even though I won't get a grade for it so yeah, go figure, :) Needless to say, I immensely enjoyed the experience.
Adjustment is something we have to deal with. As the adage goes, there's nothing permanent but change. This week of adjustment ended with that "crying myself to sleep" last Friday night. I don't know what has gotten to me. I just felt so down. I think it was because I was confronted with a Yes/No question. A question I would love to answer with a "Yes" but I had to answer with a "No." Or perhaps, it was more than that. Bad hair day, indeed.
Adjustments always present the dilemma of letting go and holding on. I have always believed that letting go would mean losing something or yes, even someone. I have always held on to everything dear to me. But this week taught me another thing.
Letting go...
Letting go of my happy-go-lucky, careless self this semester won't mean I'd be less me. It would just mean I'll have better opportunities of learning how to be the best teacher I could be. Letting go of my what ifs and buts won't mean I'll never be afraid again. It would just mean I'll be more confident of my future decisions, the way it is supposed to be. Letting go of my Chinese class won't mean not seeing those sweet classmates (and yes, Laoshi) again. It would just mean they'll have some time to miss me. *crosses fingers* Hahaha! I'll surely miss them too. :p
Letting go of the past won't mean I'll forget because I'll surely treasure all the memories, especially the good ones. Letting go will definitely make me more focused on the "here and now."
I realized that letting go is not such a bad thing. I need to do it in order to move on. Closures are crucial but I learned that even though some things have to change, they don't necessarily have to end. I learned that there are just certain things I will never lose, no matter what happens. Adjustments taught me to let go. A paradigm shift, yes.
And yes, I prefer "再见" over "goodbye." ****
*In response to On Letting Go...Or Not
**Self-talk really helps me keep things in perspective.
***Self-threats are also given when it's due, :p
*** *再见 is best translated as "See you later." :D
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
On Grace Week
Friday, August 24, 2012
On (No) Regrets
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sibling Love

Friday, March 9, 2012
Tension of Opposites

Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, bu you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted. A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band.
- Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom
I have been dealing with a lot of contradictions lately.
I have been making wrong decisions, committing mistakes and hurting some people these past few days.
It's a struggle I always have to go through - working things out, opting for what's right, being better.
I'm looking for something (even someone) to blame but I always end up frowning at myself in the mirror.
The best that I can do is to make myself believe that these will all pass: my overwhelming hang-ups.
This may or may not work but if there's one thing I really need and want right now, it's understanding.
It's such a big word considering the fact that I can't even understand myself...
There, I'm doomed. T.T
Could someone just tell me not to be too hard on myself?
It might also work if you could talk some sense out of me...